Encrypting already existing files in AWS S3 using the AWS Java API

In my last post I covered how to server-side encrypt files in S3 using the AWS Java API. Unfortunately, if you didn’t turn on encryption from the very first day when uploading to S3, you may have some files that are not encrypted. This post will cover an easy block of Java code which you can use to server-side encrypt any existing files that aren’t already, using the AWS Java API.

In summary, you need to loop through all existing files in a bucket, and see which one is not encrypted. And if not encrypted, you set the metadata to turn on server-side encryption, and have to save the file again in S3. Note: this may change the timestamps on your files, but this is essentially the only way through the API to save the metadata for a file to turn on encryption.

Here is the code:

public S3EncryptionMigrator(String bucketName) {
 Logger.getLogger("com.amazonaws.http.AmazonHttpClient").setLevel(Level.OFF); //AWS API outputs too much information, totally flodding the console. Turn it off

 AmazonS3Client amazonS3Client = new AmazonS3Client(...);

 ObjectListing objectListing = amazonS3Client.listObjects(bucketName);
 List s3ObjectSummaries = objectListing.getObjectSummaries();
 while (objectListing.isTruncated()) {
  objectListing = amazonS3Client.listNextBatchOfObjects(objectListing);

 for (S3ObjectSummary s3ObjectSummary: s3ObjectSummaries) {
  String s3ObjectKey = s3ObjectSummary.getKey();
  S3Object unecryptedS3Object = amazonS3Client.getObject(bucketName, s3ObjectKey);
  ObjectMetadata meta = unecryptedS3Object.getObjectMetadata();
  String currentSSEAlgorithm = meta.getSSEAlgorithm();
  if (currentSSEAlgorithm != null && currentSSEAlgorithm.equals(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION))
   continue; //Already encrypted, skip
  meta.setSSEAlgorithm(ObjectMetadata.AES_256_SERVER_SIDE_ENCRYPTION); //set encryption
  CopyObjectRequest copyObjectRequest = new CopyObjectRequest(bucketName, s3ObjectKey, bucketName, s3ObjectKey);
  amazonS3Client.copyObject(copyObjectRequest); //Save the file
  System.out.println(">> '" + s3ObjectKey + "' encrypted.");

Let’s examine the code. First you instantiate AmazonS3Client with the correct credentials. This should be tailored to your S3 authentication setup.  You start by getting a list of all files in a bucket. Note that you have to loop through objectListing.getObjectSummaries() because only 1000 results are returned at a time. In case you have more than 1000 files, you’ll need to loop through the rest until you get all of them.

Then you loop through the list of files. For each file you check if server-side encryption is already turned on by reading the existing metadata of the file. If not, you set the flag for encryption, and then essentially copy the file onto itself. This will save the new metadata, and will turn on server-side encryption.

2 thoughts on “Encrypting already existing files in AWS S3 using the AWS Java API”

  1. Ok, guilty as charged. we need to back encrypt 10’s of millions of objects. Is there any benchmark on how long this process takes and does it cost in terms of data movement?

    1. Hello Bud, sorry for the delayed reply. WordPress didn’t notify me that I had comments :-/

      Unfortunately I don’t have a benchmark on how long it will take. And I really don’t think there’s a cost involved because data is not being “moved”. You’re simply flipping a flag on an existing S3 file object (with this particular approach for server-side encryption). The S3 server then starts encrypting it.

      In order for it to go fast, you’ll probably want a fast connection, because a request will go over the wire for every single file you’re encrypting. Ideally you’ll package your code into a jar that encrypts all your objects, and deploy it to an EC2 instance and run it on there, since all the network traffic will be within AWS, it should go much faster.

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